Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Service Orchestration with WSML : SOA gets more power.

SOA gets more power with service orchestration via WSML.Web Services Management Layer (WSML)
WSML is Web Service Management Layer , or Web Service Model, In depth its all about Service orchestration for smooth and sweet SOA.
Enterprise Service BUS gets a a new face in the form of WSML.

Tune in for more....

Oracle Sequecnes and Cache Value "20" mystery: Sequences with "cache" option can skip numbers

Sequences with "cache" option can skip numbers Good article written here.

The default CACHE value for a sequence is 20, which means that after every 20 callsfor nextval Oracle has to update seq$ and refresh its cache.

Small tip over here about how to write sequences with or witout cache .

Monday, August 30, 2004

Uninstall Oracle 9i

Very helpful article Uninstall Oracle 9i
Saves your time, believe me without this you will waste whole day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Welcome to longtime; Social movement of this era

Welcome to LinkedIn
Amazingly simple and easy to see how people can be linked to you thru your profile.
You can say what our ancestors (fathers, grand parents, way before that...) used to spend years in finding a contact linking with their friends and missing family, Linked In will do it in seconds. Its amazing to see what this age of intelligence can do and cut years of hard work into ease.
Whole social movement is driving into mass meeting time, where millions of people meet on the X * Y resolution computer screen and greet each other. Its truly a "Meet and Greet" board for people.
Are you linked in??!! , I'm.....Keep watching for new social movements like Blogging and Wiki phenomena. First Glance its "Write and Publish" but in depth its humangous in potential, to revolutionize today's social context. Stay in tune.. For more!!..

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Practical Adoption of Design Patterns: Hybrid Implementation Pattern

This article Practical Adoption of Design Patterns explains about Design patterns and Antipatterns adoption.
Applying all together creates fundamental building block for architecure and framework. It also gives birth to Anti-Pattern (different from AntiPattern) thinking .
1) Where developer/Architect has the knowledge of what design patterns he/she wants to adopt or shortlist.
2) With This knowledge come up with raw design thinking, more radical is much better
3) Apply raw design thinking into trusted design patterns. What you get is Hybrid Implementation pattern (Anti-Pattern + Design Pattern(AntiPattern))
Eventually implementattion should be reused, thats a true out come of design patterns and its study.

Monday, August 09, 2004

How to Convert and Sort Dates in XSL : Small Tip..

Sometimes small things comes pretty handy. Like this one;

Scenario : Pick the biggest date from the list of dates.


  • Converting a Date from one format to another
  • Sort them in ascending order.
  • Pick the first Date from the list ( thats the one you looking for ;) )

Assume your input XML is something like this (Date format is YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS)

<Date>20040931T18:31:04</Date> <Date>20040831T18:31:04</Date> <Date>20040715T18:31:04</Date> <Date>20041223T18:31:04</Date>

XSL file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform;
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="DateList/Date">
<xsl:sort order="ascending" select="translate(.,'T::', ',')"/>
<xsl:if test="position() = last()">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>

This will print output as

This is biggest date. you can also print the date in a different format.

  • translate() : does the same job as search and replace
  • ".,'T::', ',' " : "." means Date node value, "T: : ',' " means search for T and : and replace with ' ' (blank space)
  • position() = last()" : means if current index == last index (position(): returns current index)

Happy XSLTingggg!!..