What is RadRails, Its a bomb!, its amazing, seriously I was never this excited, when Eclipse happened to Java/J2EE world. Why because it took me more time get Eclipse up and running with my java project and hook tomcat to it , yadda yadda!. But I could count it on on my fingers how long it took me get one simple rails app up and running with built in WEBrick server. It was just less than 5 mins, I had simple customer application with DB read/write/delete running on my browser.
RadRails is written on Eclipse framework, but extremely sexy, in terms producing components. Like rails/ruby/database/subversion support etc.
Some of the cool features
- mvc key bindings : To jump one context of development to another, moving between view (.rhtml ) to app controller faster.
- Generate tabs: All rails generate command on your fingertips
- Console/Tail : Very helpful in AJAX development where you can see data going back and forth between your client and server.
Oh yeah!, did I say how It was this quick , have a look at the screencast , you got to love this stuff!!..
There is a famous say "You need a reason to convince yourself, why you should do different deed", I guess RadRails is my reason to love Ruby/RoR.
So finally I would say "Got RoR!"
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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